make time to get off the hamster wheel so you can regroup

Therapy for Overwhelmed Moms in Evanston, IL

In-person support for women in Chicago’s North Shore

I am pulled in every direction all the time. I am so frayed.

my family deserves a better version of me.

There is so much to keep track of. You're trying so hard but you can barely keep up. You wonder what is wrong with you. Every other mom you know is at least as busy as you are but they easily manage it all, and then some. They're not the frazzled, hot mess that you are. Just once, it wold be so great to get all the things on the list done... and not feel wrecked and crabby. 

You'd love to be more present and content when you're with your kids. You feel bad now when they want your attention. Either you don't have the time or your mind is on all the other things you "should" be getting done before it gets too late. Your partner doesn't get the attention you'd like to give them either. When was the last time you had a night out, just the two of you? You're paying for an exercise program or gym but you never have time/energy to do it. There just isn't enough time in the day for all the things you "have" to do, let alone for yourself or friends. Or fun. And that really sucks because you used to be quite the party.

Sound like you?

Struggling with constant guilt

Tired of feeling like you can never get it quite right

Ready to stop running to stand still

Wishing that you could feel like you’re giving your loved ones your very best

Here’s what we’ll do together

Therapy can help you take a step back and figure out how to re-calibrate.

You don’t have to just resign yourself to living like this now that you're a mom. It might not seem like it but I promise that you aren’t doomed to put yourself last and feel subpar until your kid goes to college.

We get consumed by our ideas about how we are "supposed" to be parenting and we compare ourselves to others, forgetting that we never see anyone else's full picture. We don't acknowledge our wins and are overly harsh with ourselves when something slides off track.

Therapy can help you take an objective look at the standards you're holding for yourself, understand where they came from, and explore how aligned and authentic they feel for you and your values.

It can also help you have compassion for yourself and reconnect with your own intuition so you can start to feel more in your own skin again and more empowered. You can reclaim the fun and more competent-feeling version of you again.

At the end of the day, I want you to know:

No one is mothering perfectly. Your worth isn’t defined by your missteps. By learning to put yourself first sometimes, you’ll be better able to give the best you to your loved ones.

What we’ll work on

Imagine a life where…

  • You can acknowledge and appreciate the things you’re doing right.

  • Momming doesn’t feel exhausting every single day.

  • You’re connected to your own needs and feel confident voicing them and tending to them.

  • You no longer feel like an impostor.

Change is possible.

Take a chance on yourself.



  • Absolutely! Expectations of moms are mind-boggling and the gold standard seems to be a “selfless” mom. How are we supposed to survive, let alone thrive, when the goal is to have no self? Your feelings are quite normal and you are not alone.

  • Therapy can help you identify the thoughts and beliefs at play when you are feeling overwhelmed. It can help you come up with effective ways to challenge your pattern of thinking and unlearn it. You can learn to replace that pattern of thinking with one that is more beneficial to you and aligned with your values and goals as a mom and woman. Therapy can also help you pick up coping skills to manage the overwhelm symptoms that are coming up for you in the moment.

  • We’ll start by meeting once a week. This helps us establish our relationship and helps me get the lay of the land as I learn more about you. Once we start working through some of the factors at play in your overwhelm and you start to learn ways to manage it better, we’ll re-assess and see if we’re ready to space out our sessions to every other week. As you continue to progress, we can discuss termination.