care for yourself the way you do for everyone else
Therapy for Anxiety in Evanston, IL
In-person support for women in Chicago’s North Shore
You feel responsible for the happiness of every loved one.
If you’re being good enough, they won’t have hard times.
Your superpower is making others happy. You’ve been good at this for as long as you can remember. In fact, you’re the one people turn to when they’re having a hard time. Friends and loved ones would agree that without them even having to ask, you have an uncanny ability to discern what they need…and you move heaven and earth to give them that.
It feels great to be the dependable, reliable one for others.
Except that lately things are different. Responsibilities are piling up in life and you’re not able to find the time to be there for everyone who needs you. You might even be feeling burned out by it all because being there for others is keeping you too busy to do any of the things you need to do for your own wellbeing. The more exhausted and empty you feel, the harder it is for you to be there for anyone in the way that you would like to.
Sound like you?
Struggling with trying to be everything for everyone
Tired of feeling like you can’t quite keep up
Ready to stop trying to stay a step ahead of everything
Wishing you could prioritize yourself and not feel mean or selfish
Here’s what we’ll do together
Therapy can help you feel more grounded, peaceful, confident, and empowered.
When you learn how to put down burdens that aren’t yours to carry, you put a stop to being guided by confusion and uncertainty. Spending time reflecting on your Self, your needs, your hopes, and desires can give you back clarity and your sense of direction.
Your choices will become more aligned with your values. You’ll feel like you’re actually living in your own skin. Comfortably. Relationships will feel more genuine and stable and your self-worth will be yours to define.
My approach to working with anxiety is to first let you know that you aren’t weird or broken or crazy or screwed up. We’ll identify and understand the beliefs leading you to make the choices you’re making. They come from a real place based on past experiences.
Once we figure that out…we tear that script to little pieces. Let's re-write your story and turn it into one where you don’t have to choose between yourself and your loved ones.
At the end of the day, I want you to know:
You can be a worthwhile person who both takes care of her own needs and shows up for others.
What we’ll work on
Imagine a life where…
Your relationships feel soothing and replenishing.
You don’t treat yourself like an afterthought.
You’re connected to yourself and you can prioritize your needs…guilt-free.
You believe that you deserve to take up some space too.
Change is possible.
You don’t have to put yourself last.
Therapy can help you identify the thoughts and beliefs at play when you are feeling anxious. It can help you come up with effective ways to challenge your pattern of thinking and unlearn it. You can learn to replace that pattern of thinking with one that is more beneficial to you. Therapy can also help you pick up coping skills to manage the anxiety symptoms that are coming up for you in the moment.
We’ll start by meeting once a week. This helps us establish our relationship and helps me get the lay of the land as I learn more about you. Once we start working through some of the factors at play in your anxiety and you start to learn ways to manage it better, we’ll re-assess and see if we’re ready to space out our sessions to every other week. As you continue to progress, we can discuss termination.
Get in touch with me so we can set up a phone consultation and proceed from there.